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Created To Love Blog: Peace Like None Other

I know that when we tend to let the cares of the 21st century overwhelm us. The care of a family. The care of marriage. The care of the job. However, we as Christians should not let the cares of this world overwhelm us because of the God we love. The God we serve. The God we believe is our creator and savior.

God has taken the responsibility of the cares and the worries in our lives. His word says that He will keep him in PERFECT PEACE whose mind is stayed on him (Isaiah 26:3). I can remember many times as a single mother when I barely had enough. I was worried most of the time. I was trying to figure it out on my own. Not knowing at the time that God had already figured it out for me. I just had to know what the word said about the promises of God and chose to trust Him. When I did this, then I could see the path the path set before me. I could experience the PERFECT PEACE of God in my life.

I encourage you today to allow God to carry the burdens of life that are on your shoulders. I encourage you to seek Him first above all things and allow Him to give you peaceful rest so that you can experience His PERFECT PEACE. When we rest and relax, we experience the humility of God. In God’s humility, we experience His very nature. Humility puts us in position to hear the voice of God. We stop trying to figure it out on our own.

Martha overcome with her workday duties said to Jesus, “Lord, do you not care?” How many faithful loving mothers and wives overcome with the cares of motherhood and the cares of marriage have cried out, “Lord, do you not care?” The answer to the question is in the words of Peter: “He careth for you.” God cares for you. He has promised to always care for you. He has promised to always lift your burdens. Trust Him to do that for you minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day.

I love you and may the grace and peace of God rest on you now and always . . .

PRAYER: Gracious Heavenly Father we thank you for the PERFECT PEACE that only you can give. Your peace is like none other. Today we trust you and believe in your promises for our lives. Today we rely and depend totally on you as you guide us through the path that has already set for our lives. We choose to trust you in it all!

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