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Created To Love Blog: Brain Attack, But God

This blog has been a long time coming. I apologize for the delay, but I am thankful for the delivery. Regardless what we are going through in life, God wants us to share our stories with each other in order to strengthen and encourage one another daily. As I share my journey of transformation and my journey of trust trusting God I pray that the Spirit of God will remind you of who you are, what you are capable of doing and having in Him.

I had contemplated having knee replacement surgery for some years because of the excruciating pain and disfiguration of my right knee. The initial injury was at Houston High School. I went up for a layup and my knee literally popped so loud that it sounded like someone had taken a piece of twig from a tree and broken it into. Years later I injured it again when walking down the front stairs with my then 6-month-old, Noel and now 21-year-old. I tried everything in my power to make sure I protected his head from hitting the concrete. Hence, the that of protecting my fall and my knee was minute.

Finally, on June 13, 2018, at 7:00 A.M. I was scheduled with Dr. Monique Grey-McBride for total knee replacement surgery at Northside Hospital in Atlanta. In my heart of hearts, I really did not want to do it currently. I even sensed in my spirit God saying, no to now, I chalked it up as my fear and therefore I forged onward. (Hence, that still quiet voice. We must listen to God. He does not speak just to be heard, He speaks to be obeyed.)

After my surgery I awakened in my hospital room. Wayne, my amazing, loving, caring man of God, husband of 23 years was there with me. He asked if I wanted something to eat and I said, yes quickly because I knew exactly what I wanted to eat. I wanted a Philly Cheese Steak sandwich and sweet potato fries with extra, extra ketchup from the Loving Hut. Loving Hut was one of many vegan restaurants in the area.

Wayne left and returned with exactly what I ordered and wanted. I immediately begin to dig in, by positioning my sandwich and loading up my sweet potato fries with ketchup. As I was eating, Wayne noticed I was trying to use the wrong end of the fork and since the packets of ketchup were so close to the fries, I mistakenly picked up the packets of ketchup to my mouth to eat rather than the fries. He laughed endlessly because he thought it was the after effects of the drugs from the surgery that was causing me to be so disorientated. But, when I took a drink from my tea with my straw and the tea drizzled down my chin and I made no effort to wipe it off, he sensed something greater that was wrong. Between he and a physical therapist name Heather, they detected that something had happened with the function of my brain. While walking with Heather I kept trying to go left when she was telling me to go right and I kept bumping into the wall.

Immediately a neurologist came by my room to see me. She asked me to point my finger from my nose to my ear, from my ear to my chin and so forth. I did well with that task. Then she asked me my name, I was able to answer with some uncertainty. Then she asked me the name of the current president. Within me I knew but did not have an answer. I was thinking in my mind; how could I forget that.

After many tests, we received the news that I had two strokes during my knee replacement surgery. Wayne was taken aback. He stated later that he had never seen me at a loss for words or unable to answer simple questions. He was frightened. However, by the grace of God I am still here and still standing strong. I don’t know what He wants me to do with this experience, but I do know that I am available to be used by Him. My sensing to people who have had strokes is strong and I pray from them as I am prompted by the Holy Spirit.

In trials we must remain steadfast. We must be more like Job, the more we lose the more we worship the Lord. In every Christian’s life there will be trials, disappointments, persecution, and temptations, but through all this we must stand firm in Christ. We have to be on guard. Not only must we stand firm to these things, but we must stand firm to biblical truths.

James 1:2-4 My brothers and sisters, consider it nothing but joy when you fall into all sorts of trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect effect, so that you will be perfect and complete, not deficient in anything.

James 1:12 A man who endures trials is blessed, because when he passes the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.

You see, God is for us and to this day He is performing miracles. Too many times we miss it because we see the ordinary in the extraordinary. To hear the birds chirping in the morning and even sometimes at night; to feel the breeze of the wind upon your face; the sunlight warm and tantalizing your skin; to hear the voice of a loved one; to be able to move and live and have your being in Christ; to be able to be in your right mind; to be able to survive two brain attacks all are truly miraculous. I pray that you will be mindful of the miracles of God in your life each day. I pray that you will live everyday all day long in His love, His joy and His peace.

Stay tuned. There is more to come!

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